Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Fresh New Start With Blogging!'s really time to buckle down and get serious about blogging! I have so many customers and things to share, that I have to learn somewhere where to document all this fabulousness! So.....let's start where it all started! 

So many people ask me how I got started blending perfumes. When i was young, about 5 years old, my parents gave me the barbie perfume maker....and thank goodness for google, i found a pic for you! Now, this really was the beginning of crafty little me! how it worked, you put the perfume bottle into the yellow tulip in the middle, then placed a little fragrance stick...those are the heart and round shaped things on each side, into the notches on the tulip. then, there is a little button that you would press that would cause the tulip to rotate back and forth, thus mixing the fragrance into the 'fragrance blending solution'....ok...i made that part up. it was blended into water! I would then take a huge funnel i snagged from my mother's kitchen, and funnel it into her previously full avon bottles. i say previously, because i dumped them down the bathroom sink. i'm sure the fumes i inhaled in that little project were just one notch this side of toxic! anyway....i then took my newest fragrances and sold them at recess at school.

this didn't go over well. but, as you can see, it never deterred my pursuit of entrepreneurial endeavors. I loooooooooooooooooooooved my perfume maker! It didn't hurt that it was Barbie, either! Hope you have great fun memories of toys from yesteryear. This one was right up there with my little play kitchen!